Open Dover is a cutting edge service for emotional tagging of content
Add sentiment to your content in minutes
Java based webservices for cross-platform compatability
Powerful servers ensuring fast return of semantic content
What's going on in Dover?
What's going on in Dover?
OpenDover is a sophisticated webservice that allows you to extract the next generation semantic features within your blogs, content management systems, websites or other numerous applications.
Open Dover is a webservice that allows you to add sentiment to any text, document, article, webpage - you name it. You can build any application and make it connect to Open Dover, the possibilities are limitless.
Do you want to use Open Dover to add sentiment to your content?
Open Dover is a cutting edge service for emotional tagging of content
Automatic recognition of context dependent and context independent opinion words
Open Dover
Open Dover
Unique knowledge base
Unique knowledge base of opinion words, domain-related words and intensifiers extracted from hundreds of thousands of opinion-related texts.
Diverse Expression
Diverse expression of opinion words/phrases: adjectives, nouns, verbs (both explicit and implicit).
Automatic recognition
Automatic recognition of context dependent and context independent opinion words.
Automatic disambiguation
Automatic disambiguation of opinion and domain-related words.

Automatic recognition
Automatic recognition and categorization of texts.
Representation of opinion and domain-related words in their relationship (i.e. “part of”, “kind of”, “association”).
Evaluation of an arbitrary text according to the recognized domains in the text.
Open Dover is a webservice that allows you to add sentiment to any text. You can build any application and make it connect to Open Dover.
Today’s management challenge is to improve ROI by saving investments and increasing return. Business professionals are using advanced support systems for enhanced budgeting, planning and decision making. Meanwhile Social Media are proliferating, and massive data flows are containing huge amounts of valuable, yet under-utilized market information. The launch of BuzzTalk might change this quite rapidly.

Running a Market Driven Business
When you are running a market driven business you need to make sure all aspects of the business are dedicated to meeting needs or solving problems of customers. These aspects include market driven service provision, product development, organisation development, planning and communication. In our rapidly changing world this can be a challenging job. With better knowledge and understanding of what is going on out there you could make smarter decisions and get better results. But how do you get additional market intelligence quickly and at affordable cost?
Full details can be found on
If you’re interested or want more information please contact us!
OpenDover for Business

OpenDover can mean a lot for your online business. Full semantic
tagging of your content enables you to add strategic value to your website and online strategies.
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4751 XB Oud-Gastel
Phone : +31(0)165 33 22 44
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MON-FRI 09:00 – 17:00